Our Story

Doing Our Part to Keep Dogs Safer

Hi! I’m Terri, the creator of SaferDog, based in Massachusetts. We’re here for one reason — to stop even one dog from vanishing, getting lost or harmed.

For years I have networked missing dogs on a daily basis.

I’ve always had a fenced yard and thought my own dogs were safe from ever getting lost.

Then, one day last Summer, I watched in shock when my dog spied a rabbit on the other side of the fence and, excited to chase it, suddenly somehow rammed her head under the fence and tried to run out! I was there to stop her, but what if I had not been out in the yard? I was horrified, but also astonished — after all, the fence looked tight, and flush with the ground.

In that heart-pounding moment, I thought ‘I wish I could staple this fence to the ground!’ — realizing if it were battened down more thoroughly this couldn’t happen.

That’s the instant the idea of SaferDog came to be.

We don’t tend to think about our fence’s weaknesses until it’s too late. That’s a common and very sad problem…

Only a small portion of them find their way back.

Worse yet, shelters are critically overcrowded and euthanizing stray found-dogs at an alarming rate due to lack of space. A tragedy for all!

The dangers and fear these animals face after innocently wandering off, or getting lost while instinctively chasing after a squirrel, is something we can better prevent.

That’s what SaferDog is about— an inexpensive, fast way to make fences far more secure!

As someone who has been involved in animal rescue for many years, I know prevention in all areas of care is job #1. And what’s more basic than keeping them safe while they’re in their own yard?

The best fence is one that’s tall enough, has a secure gate BUT also has a safe perimeter free of overlooked weak spots.

We’re here to upgrade your backyard into a secure place that keeps your best friends home, and keeps them safe.